Reconstruction's effect on Lifestyle

This next website will take much longer to navigate through. Please do not wait until the last minute to complete this portion of your webquest.

This is a good overall source with many links to primary and secondary sources about reconstruction. I would like you to focus on just a few of the sections. They are: (1) Primary Documents; (2) After The War - Reconstruction & The Birth Of "The New South"; (3) African Americans After The War; and (4) Racism, Violence & The KKK. Choose ten different links (you must choose at least one from each of the 4 sections) and write a summary of the article. These summaries should be 1-2 paragraphs in length.

In this summary I want you to include the main idea of the article. Questions to keep in mind: Who is the article about? Who wrote the article? What biases might they have? The main point for this assignment is to get you thinking about the lifestyles of the people in this time in American history.